30 Day Raw Food Challenge


We created the 30 Day Raw Food Challenge because so many people asked for a quick and effective way to get their health and weight back on track.

This program is designed to deliver fast and lasting results, but be prepared to repeat it until you reach your optimal health goals.

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    What to Expect

    • 30 Day Raw Food Challenge is a structured approach to detox and nutrition.
    • Daily emails with guidance and support.
    • Weekly Zoom support, coaching, and Q&A sessions with Mary-Ann.

     Who is it for?

    • Anyone seeking a quick and effective program to improve their health and weight
    • Individuals looking for a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition and wellness


    • Dramatic improvements in health and weight.
    • Correction of endocrine system imbalances leading to excess weight.
    • Increased energy and overall well-being.
    • A new perspective on food and body care.

     How it Works

    • A 2-day semi-fast followed by a 28-day raw food cleanse
    • Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks to prevent hunger
    • Focus on nutrient-dense foods
    • Providing all the protein, and healthy fats, calcium ,iron and nutrients needed for exceptional health


    • Noticeable improvements in health and weight within the 30 days!
    • Stubborn weight usually starts to move from day 45-60 when you repeat the program, until you see the results you would like – so don’t give up.
    • Long-term benefits from adopting a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.


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